Upcoming Posts - Turkish Wines & Vineyards
Benefit from my experience with Turkish Wines!

Above shows some of the many vineyards in Turkey that you can visit and drink Turkish wines. I'm missing a few on the map that are in the east of and north of Turkey, but I'll cover those in the coming months. At last count I think I had visited something like 67 wineries in Turkey and many of the several times.
Turkish wine is undergoing a renaissance...
since about the year 2000. And if you like drinking wine from one of the oldest producing places in the world, Turkey has wine for your. This resurgence of vineyards and wineries in Turkey is in part due to the economic growth that occurred in the early 2000's, leading many wealthy business people to buy agricultural land and plant vineyards often for their own interest, but the taxation and policies here have been challenging so many have expanded by adding restaurants and hotels and growing production.
I've heard there are more than 500 wineries registered in the country with lots of varieties of Turkish wines, I'm checking on that number but I suspect its close as some wineries produce private labels and aren't generally available. But one thing is clear, Turkey as the world's 4th largest grape producer is moving more of that produce from table grapes into winemaking and you, the intrepid traveller are sure to benefit.
I'll cover wineries in my upcoming posts based on region, starting in the southwest and moving in a somewhat clockwise direction. Most people will be closer to vineyards near cities like Bodrum, Ephesus, Izmir, Istanbul, Cappadocia and Antalya. So I'm starting with those. Although some of the most unique grapes, vineyards, wines and wineries are located in the east. I've been to many of them and i'll get there in my listings, just be patient.